Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Halfway to Half Crazy!

Sooo… it’s been awhile since my last post. (oops!) I would love to say that there has been a lot going on and that I’ve been super busy, but I would be lying.

Although… on April 27th Garrett and I ran our first 10K, the green6.2! I am very proud of myself for not only finishing it, but finishing it under my goal time… I wanted to finish in under an hour and a half (1:30 for you technical folk).

Garrett was being a super awesome fiancé and ran/walked with me the entire 6.2 miles… even though the “official results” say I finished 18 minutes before him! FYI - His official time (1:26:00) is correct, my official time is what I wish I would have run (1:08:48), and I will… NEXT TIME!!

We even got finisher medals!

Halfway to half crazyyy… we registered for our first HALF MARATHON!!!!! Okay, so I’m a little super duper excited!

And even though I have an English degree, I do know 6.2 isn't quite half of 13.1 (Garrett will call me out on that one)... but what's .7 miles when you're running that far, right?

We  have officially registered for the San Antonio Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon on November 17th!! We chose the San Antonio race over a few others because we both really wanted a reason to go on a weekend trip to San Antonio, and it should be perfect weather that time of year.

As far as formal half marathon training goes, I found a 20-week training program I plan on following to prepare the best I can… annnd, I will start that on July 1st when we get back from vacation!!

I promise I'll post at least twice this week!

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