Wednesday, April 17, 2013

I started a blog!

For the past few months (okay, more like a year) I have wanted to start a blog… not one of those blogs that makes money, or that random people stop by and read, (not really sure what Google search this would show up with) but a way to let my family and friends in on my life.

Now that I have created the blog… what do I write about? Good thing my first post doesn't have to be anything too important, although I do have plenty of things I want to talk about to inform and remind the closest people in my life… example: Garrett and I are getting married June 7, 2014, my new-found love for running, my journey to become a healthier and happier me, oh and our life in Texas!

I’ll do my best to post every other day… that’s one of my biggest goals for this blog (I've been into the whole “finish what I've started” thing lately). So kick back and stay awhile or at least visit often!

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