Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Playing Catch Up

So, it's been awhile... a long while.
3 whole months to be exact!
Sorry about that...

A lot has gone on in those last 3 months
and guess what, I'm going to recap it all...
be prepared, this might will be a long one!

Let's start with May, if I can even remember that far back.
I have horrible short term memory, even though I can tell you what I ate for dinner
on my 16th birthday (which was 8 short long years ago).
--it was grilled chicken and 
my mom's awesome, famous and delish potatoes (more on those later!)...
oh, and instead of cake we had key lime pie--

Back to May.
We went to a picnic over Memorial Day weekend. That was that.

Next is June!!
The best month out of the year because:
1. It's the month I first blessed this world with my presence
2. It's the month that Garrett and I are getting married!! (next year, of course)

June turned out to be extremely busy for us, the last 10 days of the month we were on
 vacation up north!

Unlike most normal people who would fly, we drove to Pennsylvania.
It only took us 23 hours.

Phin stuck it out like the trooper he is!
We got him a car hammock to keep him out of the front of the car...

...Turns out it worked REALLY well!  FAIL.

The drive home was probably the worst, it took just as long as the drive up...
even though it should have been 3 hours shorter.
We were just so tired by that point, 
and once we hit Louisiana we just wanted to get home!

I will share what we did on that vacation at a later time, 10 days is a lot to cover.
Not to mention it took nearly 2 weeks to recover from the whole trip.

In July...
We started our official 1/2 marathon training!!
I've also been doing a lot more wedding planning since we got back from vacation.
Between running my butt off (literally) and doing wedding things,
I didn't really have time to do much else besides try to rest and relax...
oh, and go to an Astros game! :-)

I'm not really sure when it even became August, but now it's over half-way gone.
Garrett and I registered for 3 additional races already!

In October we'll be doing The Color Run.
I guess it's pretty similar identical to the Color Me Rad that we ran in March.
I wanted to do it as a fun run before the half in November
so that I don't get too bored with training.
On Thanksgiving we are running the TXU Energy Turkey Trot, again!

Last year that 5K was my FIRST 5K EVER!
(my shins were screaming at me the entire race)
So this year, I'm turning pro and running with the big dogs in -- the 10K!

In December (before we go to Pennsylvania over Christmas) we'll be running
the Houston 12K of Christmas.
I'm excited for this one because it's downtown, and it's right before Christmas!
-I might will be sporting an obnoxious jingle bell bracelet or two,
Garrett will probably choose to run ahead of me!-

Super Exciting wedding news...
We chose our colors!!
These are "officially official" because well, now they're posted on the internet!
That makes everything official, right?

This isn't my exact vision, but the colors are spot-on!

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