Thursday, March 27, 2014

We Rocked Dallas

71 days...71!

That's basically only 10 more weeks until the wedding.

This past Sunday, to celebrate 75 days, Garrett and I ran another half marathon.
Just kidding, I was going to run it anyway.
I asked signed up Garrett to run it too just for kicks.
He was SO happy. Just kidding, he probably wanted to kill me.

Check out this snazzy finisher badge they email to you
so you can post it all over your Facebook and IG to brag to all your 'friends'.
Not my style.

I only took this one picture (technically Garrett took it).

I run with my new high-tech GPS watch (that purple thing on my wrist) now,
so I don't have my phone attached to me when photo-ops present themselves.
I'm a hot mess when I run anyway.. nobody wants to see that.

After we ran 13.1 miles in the 45 degree Dallas weather,
we stuffed our faces with Moe's.
Moe's doesn't exist in Houston, so we took full advantage of burning nearly 2,000 calories
by eating half of them back in burrito and queso form.
I cut 18 minutes off my previous half marathon time,
so I'd say I was pretty deserving of Moe's..
and the Rita's we had later for dinner.
One just opened less than a mile from our apartment..
bad news, I tell ya.

I digress.

Today is my first dress fitting.
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared or nervous.
I'm both.
I haven't tried my dress on since August.. August!
That was two 10Ks, a 12K and two half marathons ago.

This wedding planning stuff is no joke.
Every time I think I have some down time
I come up with 6714 more things I need to do.

I know there's a gap of about 5 months missing now.
Maybe I'll fill that in over the weekend,
or when I actually have some down time.